When Does Kaneki Become Kaneki Again

After his defeat at the hands of Kishou Arima during the Owl Extermination Operation, CCG incorporated Ken Kaneki as a ghoul investigator.

He went by a new identity Haise Sasaki, a one-half-ghoul nether the tutelage of Arima and Akira Mado (mentor). During this stage, he was quite loyal and defended.

He wanted to protect humanity and besides the CCG. But, Kaneki (or Haise Sasaski) was not hellbent on exterminating the ghouls. He showed mercy towards them.

Kaneki's underlying personality was withal deep-rooted in the ideology of protecting others.

Still, the major modify in his outwardly appearance and behaviour created a lot of confusion at the starting time of Tokyo Ghoul:re.

In fact, fans withal question how Kaneki became the Ghoul Investigator Haise Sasaki. How did his personality alter? What did the CCG do to him?

How did Kaneki become Haise Sasaki?

Kaneki became Haise Sasaki after he lost his memories about his past.

Seeing that he had lost his memories, Kishou Arima came up with a new name and identity for Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul:re chapter 67).

For this purpose, Arima asks Kaneki to cull his two favourite Kanji characters.

Kaneki chooses kanji from the words java and globe, which makes his name Haise. It is a combination of the 2nd character in the word java and the first grapheme in the word world.

In German, the name Haise ways "no name".

Kaneki chooses his name with Arima
Kaneki thus became Haise Sasaki

During this fourth dimension, Kaneki was a prisoner at Cochlea. His mental state was also bad due to his defeat at the hands of Arima.

Once his condition had improved, Arima took him under his wing and trained him to exist a ghoul investigator as office of his rehabilitation program in the CCG.

Haise would look upward to both his mentors Akira Mado and Arima. He would come to accept them as parental figures in his life.

Simply the question remains, did Kaneki actually forget everything near his past life? Did he lose his memories?

Well, losing memories was the fundamental to Kaneki transforming into Haise. So, lets take a await at what happened at that place.

How did Kaneki lose his memories?

Kaneki lost his memories after his defeat at the hands of Kishou Arima in the Owl Extermination Operation.

Contrary to the pop belief, Kaneki suffered from amnesia not because of the brain impairment he received, but because he forcefully suppressed his memories.

During their fight, Arima inflicted Kaneki with a serious head injury later on piercing his Quinque through his eye and after his skull.

Fans saw this as the primary reason for Kaneki'due south memory loss.

While this attack disoriented Kaneki, he still had some part of his retention intact. This is hinted in Tokyo Ghoul:re chapter 67.

We see Kaneki fervently asking to be released from his detention ward in Cochlea, so that he could go rescue the others.

main qimg 79f79eaf18ab097c21c6c75f94afe825
Arima stabs kaneki through the eye
main qimg 3e3ac4ee7982ea812b4266f79986205d
Kaneki in a disoriented state after his loss to Arima

However, Arima pushes him into further despair saying that he killed all of them , which referred to his friends at Anteiku. Knowing that he was unable to salvage them, Kaneki's mental land deteriorates farther.

He subconsciously suppresses his identity and his memories and so that the loss of his close ones won't cause him whatever more pain.

He kept on crying and clawing at his eyes, refusing to eat anything.

Seeing that he won't survive long if he continued to practice so, Arima starts bringing him books to read. Eventually, Kaneki calms downward (thanks to the books).

Following this, he is given the new identity of Haise Sasaki.

Major stress can cause Amnesia. In Kaneki's case, a combination of brain damage and heavy stress triggered his memory loss!

Did yous detest Arima for what he did to Kaneki? Did you realise Haise Sasaki was Kaneki? Let us know your opinions in the comments section!


Source: https://animehunch.com/how-did-kaneki-become-haise-sasaki-in-tokyo-ghoul/

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