Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia Charlie Wildcard Again

"The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis" is the 2nd episode of the fourth season of It'south Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


  • 1 Synopsis
  • ii Recap
  • 3 Alliances
  • 4 Bandage
    • 4.1 Starring
    • 4.ii Guest Starring
    • four.3 Co-Starring
  • five Trivia
  • 6 External Links

Synopsis [ ]

To turn a profit from loftier gas prices, Mac, Dennis, and Charlie fill barrels of gasoline and sell them door-to-door. Meanwhile, Dee and Frank plot to brand Bruce Mathis a terrorist after learning that Barbara's inheritance money is going to be donated to a Muslim community heart.

Recap [ ]

10:30 AM on a Mon

Mac and Dennis complain to Charlie nigh his use of a generator to power Paddy's Pub. He says electricity was expensive so he was using the generator to save money. They point out the flaw in his logic - gas is more expensive. Mac so decides, as the brains of the group, that they are going to solve the gas crisis. They also agree that Dennis is the looks and Charlie is the wildcard.

Dennis draws a chart with pictures of large-breasted women while Mac explains to Charlie their strategy: enquire a banking concern for a loan, buy a bunch of gasoline, store information technology in Paddy'due south basement, and sell it a year later at a higher price. At the banking company, this strategy doesn't pan out so Dennis tries to seduce the broker. Charlie jumps in (doing his office as the wild card), also trying to seduce her. All three men take their shirts off and ask the banker which 1 she would similar to have sex with.

At a gas station, Mac pumps gasoline into a plastic trashcan, and states that Dee is stupid for keeping her savings in her sock drawer. The gas station bellboy stops them. They then send the gasoline to Paddy's via Dennis' land rover and Charlie siphons information technology out of the fuel tank. Six barrels later, they determine to try and sell information technology back to the gas station. The bellboy refuses, so they attempt selling it at a stand up like lemonade. Mac and Charlie outset bravado fireballs to attract customers, but Charlie accidentally burns Mac'south head.

At Charlie'south flat, Charlie duct tapes a towel to Mac'south head. Dennis and then takes control of the team, claiming to be both the looks and the brains, where Mac is the muscle. They steal Frank'southward rape van and go on to sell gasoline door-to-door. Charlie's Texas oil man character frightens a woman and they abscond equally she calls the cops.

Meanwhile, Frank and Dee are upset that Bruce Mathis is planning on giving part of Barbara's inheritance to a Muslim community middle. Frank buys a van with tinted windows ont he inside and out to survey Bruce'southward flat. The gas pedal is broken, so Dee accidentally runs into a car as she tries to drive away. Afterwards, they pause into his flat and plant a infant monitor and fertilizer. They survey over again, and after the baby monitor is discovered, they go out of the van to fight. Mac, with the towel taped to his head, takes the van simply crashes into the same car Dee hit before. The owner looks out of his window, furious.

Back at Paddy's, Frank waterboards Dee in a urinal. Dennis, Mac, and Charlie enter, bickering well-nigh the gasoline. Mac realizes that the paradigm of the gang was off because they weren't including Frank - Dennis is the looks, Mac is the brains, Charlie is the wildcard, Frank is the muscle, and Dee is the useless chick. Mac orders the gang into the van to go become Bruce. At that place, he explains his strategy: frame Bruce, turn him into the cops for a advantage, and purchase more than gas with the reward. Every bit they approach the apartment, Charlie surprises everyone by playing the wildcard and cutting the brakes. They bail out, simply the van - with trashcans full of gasoline in the dorsum - rams into the same aureate car, exploding into a fireball.

Alliances [ ]

  • Charlie, Dennis and Mac—invest in gasoline.
  • Dee and Frank—frame Bruce for terrorism to get his inheritance.

Bandage [ ]

Bruce'southward "cameo"

Starring [ ]

  • Charlie Day as Charlie Kelly
  • Glenn Howerton as Dennis Reynolds
  • Rob McElhenney as Mac
  • Kaitlin Olson as Dee Reynolds
  • Danny DeVito as Frank Reynolds

Guest Starring [ ]

  • Zachary Knighton every bit Random Guy

Co-Starring [ ]

  • Eileen Fogarty as Female person Bank Clerk
  • Jay Harik equally Gas Station Owneer
  • Melora Hart as Adult female (Suburban Firm)

Trivia [ ]

  • The theme song of Ghostbusters (by Ray Parker, Jr.) plays during
    the final scene of this episode.
  • Bruce Mathis does non really appear in this episode. A photograph of him does, in a newspaper. And that is conspicuously a photomontage!
Business plan.jpg
  • In this episode we go another case of Dennis' hot drawings.
  • Dee keeps her life savings in her sock drawer.
  • This is the get-go advent of Charlie'southward oil tycoon grapheme. Nosotros'll see him once again in "Frank's Pretty Adult female". (In that episode, he'll give his name as "Hoss Bonaventure, CEO", and he'll merits to take fabricated his fortune in a vast array of ventures, including boiling denim and bridges. Unfortuately, he is poisoned past his constituents.)
  • Dee's desire for vengeance is and so stiff that she went and tried to ruthlessly ruin her ain male parent's life, and was fifty-fifty willing to impale him.
  • This episode references the use of the torture technique known as "waterboarding", which the United states of america government used to obtain intelligence on terrorist activity—much of which turned out to be inaccurate. Similarly, Frank's use of waterboarding leads him to brand wild accusations of Bruce Mathis beingness involved with terrorist activity. Probably, that is some sort of homage for Jack Bauer, which has been previously mentioned on the bear witness.
    ("Bums: Making a Mess All Over the Urban center")
  • At the gas station Dennis refers to Charlie, who they had designated every bit the "wild bill of fare" fellow member of the group as a "mild card".
  • When Mac steals Frank'due south van, as he is turning the van around, he bashes the van multiple times into the driver'south side of the auto of the person that Frank thinks is Bruce Mathis. The camera cuts away showing Charlie and Dennis, simply as it cuts back to Mac, the van is at present backside the automobile, and the driver's side of the car shows no impairment.
  • In 07x09 The Gang employ a van, too - but the white 1 (instead of the black in here).
  • This episode is very heavily referenced in the eighth flavor episode "The Gang Recycles Their Trash". That episode likewise revolves around a door-to-door business organization scheme: in that episode, the plan is to go door to door collecting trash for people, taking advantage of a sanitation workers' strike, though later they decide to revive the door-to-door gas scheme. At the finish, Charlie tries his "wild card" act and cuts the restriction of the van they are using, but Mac anticipates this and has had the brakes stock-still.
  • The Gang's scheme to buy gas at current prices and resell it afterwards certainly is possible in existent life: it's called a Futures contract.  It ordinarily does non involve filling trash cans full of gas, however. As well gas but has a shelf life of 5-8 months.
  • The Random Guy, whose car The Gang destroys in this episode, appears again in the Season Nine finale "The Gang Squashes Their Beefs ".  Apparently, The Gang's "intel" isn't getting any better, because Mac thought he was inviting Bruce Mathis to Thanksgiving.
  • This episode makes a lot of references to the movie "Ghostbusters ", directed by Ivan Reitman .  Ivan Reitman's daughter Catherine plays Maureen Ponderosa.

External Links [ ]

  • Behind-the-Scenes video

Quotes [ ]

Mac: How are we supposed to scale back our free energy costs when you are filling this generator with gasoline?
Dennis: Yeah bro, since when did you beginning running the bar on a gas generator?
Charlie: About a week agone. I've been doing it for about a week.
Dennis: Why would you do that?!
Charlie: Well considering you lot know electricity is so expensive man. So I figured let'south go a generator and y'all know run the bar on it.
Dennis: Are you kidding me?! Gasoline is like a thousand times more expensive than electricity!
Mac: You know what Charlie, you shouldn't exist making these decisions anyway, okay? You lot're non the decision making type. As the brains of this organization, I should have made this decision.
Dennis: Hey, whoa, whoa, I'one thousand lamentable. Since when did you become the brains?
Mac: Uhh...I'm lamentable. I've ever been the brains.
Dennis: What?! What are you lot talking virtually? I idea I was the brains. What the hell am I?
Mac: You lot're the looks.
Dennis: Well, aye, of class I'm the looks, but I always idea of myself as the brains and the looks.
Mac: No, you're the looks, I'm the brains, and Charlie is the wildcard. That's...
Charlie: Whoa! That's awesome.
Mac: Aye! Aye, that'southward the classic setup. You lot know this, no? Look, every great crew in history has followed that bones dynamic, correct? Looks, brains, wildcard. Think about it! The A-squad did it. Scooby Doo did information technology. The Ghostbusters did it!
Charlie: Oh shit!
Mac: Yes! Right? Our problem is that we don't stick to that basic format and information technology gets us in trouble.
Dennis: So what you lot're saying is that by breaking from that format, nosotros're really limiting our power to exist equally successful every bit those organizations.
Charlie: You're totally right, dude.
Mac: Great, onto the thing at hand. We're getting plowed in the donkey past the oil companies and the gas companies with their x gallon hats and their rotten ass-plowing hearts. So, as the brains of this organization, I came up with a plan.
Dennis: Lay it on us, bud.
Mac: It involves us pulling up our bootstraps, oiling up a couple of asses, and doing a little plowing of our ain. (long suspension) Not gay sex.
Charlie: Ah... okay, 'cause that's what it sounded like. What did you lot mean...
Mac: We're gonna solve the gas crisis!
Charlie: Oh, good!

(After Charlie fills a trash can with gas past siphoning it out of Dennis's automobile)
Charlie: Alright barrel number six is done, dudes.
Dennis: This is non working, okay? We are actually losing coin driving back and along from that gas station all day long.
Charlie:You burn upwards your production plus I have swallowed a good bargain of it, and it's a damn waste.
Dennis: Alright, well only permit me do the talking.
Charlie: Well, I feel like y'all got to at to the lowest degree talk with a southern accent, man. [rings doorbell]
Dennis: No, I'm not going to talk in a southern accent. Information technology's bad enough that you wore this stupid "disguise."
Charlie: But we're oil men! We would take southern accents.
Dennis: Yeah, merely nosotros don't demand bolo ties and stupid hats...
Charlie: Yep, we practice! She's gonna...
[front end door answered]
Dennis: Howdy ma'am. Well, uh, what a lovely house clothes.
Charlie: Yep, well you're lookin' all sorts o' good!
Dennis: Now, you seem like a sweet, sophisticated, dainty, busy young lady so nosotros're non going to waste your time today.
Charlie: Nah, we're simply a couple oil men in from Dallas and well, heh, we're itching like a hound to give you ah somethin' y'all want.
Dennis: Heh, what my associate is trying to say is that nosotros're here to offer your community a much needed service...
Charlie: Hells yeah! We want to fill you up if you lot so inclined to let u.s..
Dennis: Please let me practice the talking. Please.
Charlie: Now, we ain't gonna take no for an respond now yous here, heh. Okay? So don't exist making me ill my associate on your here, alright? He don't take kindly to no. So, tin I fill y'all upward or what? (rushing into the van)
Charlie: Ya, best become to steppin' cause Johnny Constabulary's a-comin'!
Dennis: Yeah, yous might want to start driving because she chosen the cops on us.
Mac: Why's he talking like that?
Dennis: Well, wildcard over here decided to lose his mind.
Charlie: Now I say, I say that's just damn preposterous, boy!
Dennis: Now you're simply talking similar Foghorn Leghorn!
Mac: Alright guys, I think it'southward fourth dimension nosotros just cut our losses and go back to the original programme.
Charlie: Ah, the generator!
Mac: No, non the generator! Storing the gas at Paddy's.
Charlie: Alright.
Mac: It's too before long to sell this gas anyway. Merely shut the door.
Dennis: Go become become...
Charlie: Okay okay...

Frank: You're non calling the cops! They'll find the bug I'one thousand gonna found!
Dee: That's a baby monitor, Frank. You're planting a baby monitor?
Frank: Yeah, a lot of people are bugging their babies these days... I guess babies can't be trusted...
Dee: What are you expecting to find?
Frank: Lot of shady shit.
Dee: Like what?
Frank: Like maybe Bruce is banging dudes!
Dee: Why would that be shady?
Frank: Maybe the dudes are babies!
Dee: What?! Bruce is non banging any babe dudes!!

(The gang driving in the rape van)
Mac: Wait...the brakes...the brakes aren't working.
Frank: The gas pedal...
Mac: Brakes aren't working. No, I'm, the brakes.
Frank: Jerk information technology, information technology gets better...
Mac: Guys, why aren't the brakes working!
Charlie: Because I cut the brakes! Wildcard, bitches! Yeeeeehaaaaw!!! [jumps out of the back of the van]

Mac: We'd like to return some gas delight.
Dennis: Yeah, don't worry bro, we got receipts.
Samsa: I can't do that.
Dennis: Y'all can't do it, or won't do it?
Samsa: Both.
(Charlie flips open up a cigarette lighter, apparently threatening to burn down the identify down)
Mac: Not however buddy. (To Samsa) OK bro, you wanna play hardball, fine. You're nigh to feel the hard knocks of a free market place, bitch. Get prepare to feel it where information technology hurts.
Charlie: Your dick!
Mac: No, non his dick. His wallet...Your wallet.
Flavor 4 Episodes
1. "Mac and Dennis: Manhunters"
two. "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis"
3. "America'southward Next Elevation Paddy's Billboard Model Contest"
4. "Mac's Banging the Waitress"
5. "Mac and Charlie Dice (Office 1)"
six. "Mac and Charlie Die (Part 2)"
7. "Who Pooped the Bed?"
 viii. "Paddy's Pub: The Worst Bar in Philadelphia"
 ix. "Dennis Reynolds: An Erotic Life"
ten. "Sugariness Dee Has a Heart Set on"
eleven. "The Gang Cracks the Freedom Bell"
12. "The Gang Gets Extreme: Home Makeover Edition"
13. "The Nightman Cometh"


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